12 evolutionary intelligences

In many preceding posts, I have referred to Marilyn Hamilton’s application of integral theory to the city: Integral City.  She articulates 12 evolutionary intelligences in her book, Integral City.  (Visit the Integral City web site here.)  (For  a quick summary of integral theory, visit this post.)

Integral City identifies 12 intelligences that are part of our evolutionary relationship with cities.  Each of these intelligences are described on Hamilton’s website.  If you visit her site, you will find this compass.  When you hover over the words in the compass, the text immediately to the left of the compass will describe that intelligence.  If you click on it, you will go to a new page with some text that describes that intelligence in more detail.

 Here is a quick phrase describing each intelligence:
  1. Ecosphere intelligence – locating places
  2. Emerging intelligence – seeing wholeness
  3. Integral intelligence – charting patterns
  4. Living intelligence – living and dying
  5. Inner intelligence – conscious capacity
  6. Outer intelligence – embodying right action
  7. Building intelligence – creating structures that flex and flow
  8. Story intelligence – feeding each other
  9. Inquiry intelligence – releasing potential
  10. Meshing intelligence – enabling order and creativity
  11. Navigating intelligence – directional dashboards
  12. Evolving intelligences – imagining the future

Over the course of the next several posts, I will look at each of these.  At times, I will look at clusters of intelligence, and other times I will explore only one. My intention is to present the ideas of the intelligence, reveal the power of the intelligence, and find an example of how the intelligence is lived in world.  Following this exploration of evolutionary intelligences, I will apply them more specifically to the Nest City model that articulates how we organize ourselves in cities: the city organizing dynamic.

Stay tuned if these evolutionary intelligences catch your eye – your evolving being.  I’ll start tomorrow with integral intelligence. 

NOTE  – If these evolutionary intelligences are of interest to you, the Integral City eLab will be taking place in September 2012.  Please click here to see the invitation.  Please click here to see the preliminary program.



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