Patience to care


The promise of light in February is to begin

spring sooner than later

for new beginnings

for noticing early signs of brightness

for moving

for inspiration

for seeking

to care


yet to care is also patience

for  profound capacity

to become apparent

a profound capacity to care, aware

that I choose to accept

that I choose to receive

that I choose

to wait


care means conflict and impatience too

assuming all will be well because it will

with joy and pain and time

I patiently offer my care


patience is not a blind eye

if it is a choice to declare what I need

when I ask I can receive

when I ask I can receive

when open to surprise the patience to care comes

it touches, it beacons, it enjoys, it lights

the whole



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This poem was caught last week during a gathering of my local community of practice.



4 thoughts on “Patience to care”

    1. You are most welcome. I love that there is a place for me to receive it and share it once a month on a Wednesday evening. Thanks for all you do to make those evenings wonderfully rich.

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